Embracing Your Inner Coyote to Master the Art of Saying No
Living in the desert has sparked within me, a fascination for coyotes. As I watch from my office window, I find myself captivated by the neighborhood pack of these creative creatures as they move through the wash with their playful antics. It’s as though they egg each other on, moving with a sense of purpose from one yard to the next, their keen instincts, guiding them towards their next adventure.
I am struck by their presence and the way they navigate their territory with confidence. They effortlessly set boundaries and assert their dominance when necessary, wielding their power of saying no and knowing precisely when to employ it to safeguard their interest. The coyote serves as a reminder of the importance of knowing one's limits and standing firm in the face of challenges.
Today let’s enter the wild wild world of leadership. Fear not, because I’ll be your wily coyote guide on this dusty trail. Snap on your boots, sharpen your claws and let’s sink our teeth into the art of saying no, coyote style.
“No” is a power word and the ability to say it is your secret weapon. Yep, you read that right. Saying no isn’t just a skill. It’s an art form. A superpower that separates the leaders from the pack. It’s about seizing control of our destiny.
In the desert of leadership challenges, there’s a coyote trick I picked up, inspired by the clever Michael Bungay Stanier. Picture this: you’re drowning in a sea of endless tasks and along comes another request. Instead of falling into your habit of obliging, pause and ask yourself, “If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to?” It’s the “Strategic Question”, straight from the coyote playbook, also known as Stanier’s book, “The Coaching Habit” (a treasure trove for aspiring leaders - and you can download a chapter of his book for free!).
Now, when we say yes to something that doesn’t fit into our agenda, we risk missing out on the juiciest bits of life. We’re talking about our own dreams. Quality time with our pack. The crucial moments of rejuvenation and self-care, all vital for keeping our tails wagging happily. Without setting those boundaries, we’re like a coyote without its den, vulnerable to the howling winds of stress and fatigue.
Photo credit: Photo Credit: Yannick Menard
So how do we unleash our inner coyote and say no like a pro? Enter the “B” word. Boundaries. Setting and honoring clear boundaries is where we start. As leaders, we must prioritize our tasks with care, know our goals, focus our efforts and say no to anything that doesn’t align with our pack’s - I mean - our team’s objectives. After all, a coyote never wasted its time chasing after rabbits it can’t catch.
If you are you ready to shake off the stress, bid farewell to people-pleasing, and reclaim your joy, join me for a free 60-minute workshop on The Power of No. We will explore our beliefs about saying no, create boundaries, and devise a plan to set new techniques in place. It’s time to unlock the magic of "No" and set some sassy boundaries that light up your life!
🗓 Date: Thursday, April 18th 🕘 Time: 9:00 AM PST
Or start exercising your new superpower and say no to the course and yes to the quick exercise of knowing your priorities. Download the Know Your Priorities worksheet.
My fellow coyotes of the corporate desert, go forth and conquer the wilderness of leadership with your newfound wisdom. Until next time, keep your eyes on the horizon and your ears to the ground. Howl on, my friends, and may the coyote spirit guide your every step!